
New Materials, Intelligent Systems, and Innovative Companies

The areas of expertise within Research Axis “New Materials, Intelligent Systems, and Innovative Companies” encompasses a wide range of subjects, spanning from the research of emerging materials, intelligent systems, cybersecurity and networks, to the study of the micro-, meso-, macro- dynamics and the psychological, behavioural, and social implications brought by developing, using, and coping with these innovations. In this context, the Axis is structured along two dimensions: Intra-disciplinary areas and Inter-disciplinary projects. Intra-disciplinary areas aim to bring together a community of “thematically close” researchers, while inter-disciplinary projects aim to gather researchers interested in a specific scientific research topic, which is usually multi-disciplinary.

Intra-disciplinary areas

New Materials, Intelligent Systems, and Innovative Companies

The research of the Axis “New Materials, Intelligent Systems, and Innovative Companies” is mainly centred around four major intra-disciplinary areas:

New materials

The search for functional smart materials represents a major challenge in various fields such as automotive, aerospace, and biomedicine. In this context, our researchers collaborate to harness their expertise in designing bio-inspired architected metamaterials and smart materials, from the digital design phase to the optimization of structural and/or functional properties, encompassing manufacturing and experimental characterization. The technologies developed encompass skills in multiple domains, including multi-scale numerical modeling and simulation, finite element method, artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing, smart manufacturing, and experimental methods.

Cybersecurity, Network, Intelligent systems

As part of the digital transformation of society, digital security plays a crucial role. Within the Axis, this theme encompasses cybersecurity, network security, resilience, and cryptography, holding significant importance with both national and international visibility. The second theme focuses on intelligent systems, which are essential components of digital transformation. Research within the Axis in this domain centres on human-machine interactions, whether from a visual, audio, and/or tactile perspective, as well as on robotics, connected devices, IoT, virtual reality, and e-health, all linked to recent advances in artificial intelligence.

Organization and Innovation

How to organize for innovation and how do innovations impact our social, behavioral, and organizational lives are crucial for both theory and practice. Our members excel on an international scale in understanding and exploring the development of new products and processes, as well as in other areas such as managing technological innovation, nurturing talent, supply chain optimisation, advanced warehouse and operations management, brand promotion, and the impact they bring to individuals, groups and countries through these innovations. We have also established expertise in funding, staffing, and developing innovative ventures (entrepreneurship and new venture creation).

Digital strategy, Ecosystem, Business Models

We are very interested in researching strategies that enable, promote and manage innovations in this digitalized and hyper-connected world. Our axe members are passionate about studying digital strategy & digital transformation, ethnographies of digital phenomena (e. g. gamification, blockchain, algorithmic management), psychology in a digital context (affect and emotions in the digital space), digital marketing, digital and social interactions (via wearables, robotics, deep-learning, gaming, etc.), as well as both the existing and the evolution of business models of innovative companies.

Among the interdisciplinary projects, we include:

  1. Virtual reality and e-commerce
  2. Robotics, artificial intelligence, and green innovation
  3. Human-computer interaction and organizational behavior



502 entries « 8 of 11 »



Pignot, Edouard

Organizing desire through technology: authenticity and new forms of informal control? Paper in progress Conference

2019 Organization Studies Workshop, Mykonos, Grèce, 2019.

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Book Sections

Venkateswaran, Swaminath; Chablat, Damien Charles

A new inspection robot for pipelines with bends and junctions Book Section

In: Uhl, Tadeusz (Ed.): Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science. IFToMM WC 2019, vol. 73, pp. 33-42, Springer, Cham, Mechanisms and Machine Science, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-20131-9.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Lebon, Nicolas; kyo shindo,; Tapie, Laurent

CFAO en ingénierie biomédicale - Dentisterie prothétique numérique Book Section

In: de l'ingénieur, Techniques (Ed.): Techniques de l'ingénieur, vol. MED7310 V1, pp. 1-26, Techniques de l'ingénieur, Immeuble Pleyad 1 39, boulevard Ornano 93288 Saint-Denis Cedex, 2019, ISBN: 978-2-85059.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Scuotto, Veronica; Serravalle, Francesca; Murray, Alan; Viassone, Milena

The Shift Towards a Digital Business Model: A Strategic Decision for the Female Entrepreneur Book Section

In: Naresh Kumar Florica Tomos, Nick Clifton; Hyams-Ssekasi, Denis (Ed.): Women Entrepreneurs and Strategic Decision Making in the Global Economy, vol. Chapter 7, pp. 120-143, IGI Global, 2019.

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Proceedings Articles

Venkateswaran, Swaminath; Chablat, Damien Charles; Wenger, Philippe

Design and Analysis of a Tensegrity Mechanism for a Bio-Inspired Robot Proceedings Article

In: ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, ASME, Anaheim, California, 2019, ISBN: 978-0-7918-5923-0.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Gschosser, Martin; Mehrle, Andreas; Kallel, Achraf; Tcharkhtchi, Abbas

Introduction of the diffusion stage into the bubble growth model Proceedings Article

In: 23rd International Conference on Mechatronics Technology, Salerno, Italy, 2019.

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Navazhylava, Kseniya; de Valck, Kristine

Constructed Disclosure: Mobilising Online Audience Collaboration through Online Self-Presentation Proceedings Article

In: Academy of Management Proceedings, Boston, USA, 2019.

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Wang, Zhiqiang; CUNHA, Catherine DA; Ritou, Mathieu; Furet, Benoît

Comparison of K-means and GMM methods for contextual clustering in HSM Proceedings Article

In: Procedia Manufacturing, pp. 154-159, Elsevier, Nantes, France, 2019, ISBN: 2351-9789.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Blazy, Olivier; Chevalier, Céline; VU, Quoc Huy

Post-Quantum UC-Secure Oblivious Transfer in the Standard Model with Adaptive Corruptions Proceedings Article

In: International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, Canterbury, United Kingdom, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-4503-7164-3.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Wang, Zhiqiang; Ritou, Mathieu; CUNHA, Catherine DA; Furet, Benoît

Classification contextuelle pour les fouilles de données issues de machines-outils. Proceedings Article

In: 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Brest, France, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Abdallah, Abir Ben; Kallel, Achraf; Gamaoun, Fehmi; Tcharkhtchi, Abbas

Enzymatic Hydrolysis influence on the shape memory effect of the shape memory polymer blend (60% SBS/40% PCL) Proceedings Article

In: European Polymer Congress, Heraklion, Greece, 2019.

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Pelet, Jean-Éric; Lick, Erhard; Taieb, Basma

Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence in the Hotel Industry: Which Opportunities and Threats for Sensory Marketing? Proceedings Article

In: Advances in National Brand & Private Label Marketing, Sixth International Conference 2019, pp. 154-164, Barcelona, Spain, 2019, ISBN: ISBN : 978-3-030-18910-5.

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Taieb, Basma; Pelet, Jean-Éric

The user's attitude and security of personal information depending on the category of IoT Proceedings Article

In: WorldCIST'19: World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, pp. pp 431-437, La Toja, Spain, 2019, ISBN: ISBN : 978-3-030-16183-5.

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Wang, Zhiqiang; Ritou, Mathieu; CUNHA, Catherine DA; Furet, Benoît

Classification contextuelle pour système d'aide à la décision pour machines-outils. Proceedings Article

In: 16ème colloque national S-mart AIP-PRIMECA, Les Karellis, France, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

George, Laurent; Fauberteau, Frédéric; Fautrel, Tristan; Grandpierre, Thierry

An hypervisor approach for mixed critical real-time UAV applications Proceedings Article

In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, Kyoto, Japan, 2019, ISBN: ISBN: 978-1-5386-9150-2.

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Lebon, Nicolas


BioMatériaux Cliniques (L'information dentaire), 2019.

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Tran, Sébastien

Quelle politique industrielle pour l'intelligence artificielle en France ? Miscellaneous

The Conversation, 2019.

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Tran, Sébastien

Pourquoi les plateformes multifaces triomphent sur le marchéé Miscellaneous

Harvard Business Review France, 2019.

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Tran, Sébastien

Défis et responsabilités de l'enseignement supérieur face aux millenials Miscellaneous

Apec RH, 2019.

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Tran, Sébastien

L'IA : nouveau paradigme scientifique dominant Miscellaneous

The Conversation, 2019.

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PhD Theses

Guerich, Mohamed

Modélisation vibro-acoustique des structures (réductions, amortissements, optimisations) & homogénéisation des matériaux composites PhD Thesis

UTC, 2019.



Journal Articles

Usai, Antonio; Scuotto, Veronica; Murray, Alan; Fiano, Fabio; Dezi, Luca

Do entrepreneurial knowledge and innovative attitude overcome ?imperfections? in the innovation process ? Insights from SMEs in the UK and Italy Journal Article

In: Journal Of Knowledge Management, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 1637-1654, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Caputo, Francesco; Scuotto, Veronica; Carayannis, Elias; Cillo, Valentina

Intertwining the Internet of Things and Consumers' Behaviour Science: Future Promises for Businesses Journal Article

In: Technological Forecasting And Social Change, vol. 136, pp. 277-284, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Merino, Pascale Bueno; Lavissière, Alexandre; Mandjak, Tibor

Emergence of a Higher Education Born Global in Africa: the Role of the Business Network Journal Article

In: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 194-206, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Ding, L; Wang, L; ZHENG, Lucy (Ping)

Collaborative mechanism on profit allotment and public health for a sustainable supply chain Journal Article

In: European Journal Of Operational Research, vol. 267, no. 2, pp. 478-495, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Ferraris, Alberto; Santoro, Gabriele; Scuotto, Veronica

Dual relational embeddedness and knowledge transfer in European multinational corporations and subsidiaries Journal Article

In: Journal Of Knowledge Management, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 519-533, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Mhenni, Faïda; Nguyen, Nga; Choley, Jean-Yves

SafeSysE: A safety analysis integration in systems engineering approach Journal Article

In: Ieee Systems Journal, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 161-172, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Buckley, P; Clegg, J; Voss, H; Liu, X; ZHENG, Lucy (Ping)

A retrospective and agenda for future research on Chinese outward FDI Journal Article

In: Journal Of International Business Studies, vol. 49, pp. 4-23, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Scuotto, Veronica; Papa, Armando; Giudice, Manlio Del

Does the emotional ownership influence the succession process ? A quantitative analysis on family SME's Conference

9th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, Nice, France, 2018.

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Scuotto, Veronica; Serravalle, Francesca; Murray, Alan; Viassone, Milena

Towards the digital business model: An holistic overview from an SME Conference

2018 - Transformative business strategies, Venise, Italie, 2018.

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Murray, Alan; Crammond, Robert James; Omaneihe, Kingsley Obi; Scuotto, Veronica

Establishing successful methods of entrepreneurship education in nurturing new entrepreneurs: Exploring entrepreneurial practices Conference

63rd Annual World Conference of the International Council for Small Business, Taipei, Taiwan, 2018.

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Lebon, Nicolas; Tapie, Laurent; Vennat, Elsa; Mawussi, Bernardin


Matériaux pour la Santé 2018, St Etienne, France, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Pelet, Jean-Éric; Taieb, Basma; Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn

User-Generated Content: Reviewer perceptions and credibility Conference

3e Colloque international sur la recherche en tourisme (CIRT), Essaouira, Maroc, 2018.

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Pignot, Edouard; Thompson, Mark

Affect as a mediator in socio-material practices: A tri-partite model of decentered agency Conference

IFIP 8.2 Working Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2018.

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Book Sections

Chablat, Damien Charles; Venkateswaran, Swaminath

Self-Motion of the 3-PPPS Parallel Robot with Delta-Shaped Base Book Section

In: Burkhard Corves, Philippe Wenger; Hüsing, Mathias (Ed.): European Conference on Mechanism Science EuCoMeS 2018, vol. 59, pp. 317-324, Springer, Mechanisms and Machine Science, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-319-98020-1.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Chablat, Damien Charles; Venkateswaran, Swaminath; Boyer, Frédéric

Dynamic Model of a Bio-Inspired Robot for Piping Inspection Book Section

In: Arakelian, Vigen; Wenger, Philippe (Ed.): ROMANSY 22 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control, vol. 584, pp. 42-51, Springer, CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-319-78963-7.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Alouache, Lylia; Nguyen, Nga; Aliouat, Makhlouf; Chelouah, Rachid

New robust protocol for IoV communications Book Section

In: Szoniecky, Imad Saleh; Mehdi Ammi; Samuel (Ed.): Challenges of the Internet of Things : Technology, Use, Ethics, vol. 1, pp. 137-163, Wiley Data and Cybersecurity, France, 2018, ISBN: 9781119549758.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Alouache, Lylia; Nguyen, Nga; Aliouat, Makhlouf; Chelouah, Rachid

Importance des stratégies de routage dans la gestion des systèmes de transport intelligent Book Section

In: Didier Nappi-Choulet Desponds, Ingrid (Ed.): Territoires intelligents : un modèle si smart, vol. 2018, pp. 87-100, Editions de l'Aube, France, 2018, ISBN: 978-2-8159-3002-4.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Proceedings Articles

Abdallah, Abir Ben; Kallel, Achraf; Gamaoun, Fehmi; Tcharkhtchi, Abbas

Enzymatic Hydrolytic degradation influence on crystallinity and thermal properties of Poly (Caprolactone) and of its blend with Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (40% PCL / 60%SBS) Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing (A3M'2018), Hammamet, Tunisia, 2018, ISBN: ISBN : 978-3-030-24247-3.

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Alouache, Lylia; Nguyen, Nga; Aliouat, Makhlouf; Chelouah, Rachid

Credit based incentive approach for V2V cooperation in vehicular cloud computing Proceedings Article

In: 5th International Conference Internet of Vehicles Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNISA,volume 11253), Paris, France, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-030-05080-1.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Lebon, Nicolas; Tapie, Laurent; Vennat, Elsa; Mawussi, Bernardin

A Computer-Aided Tool to Predict Dental Crown Prosthesis Surface Integrity after Milling Proceedings Article

In: CAD Conference 2018, pp. 231-235, U-turn Press LLC, Paris, France, 2018, ISBN: 2769-8440.

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Pelet, Jean-Éric; Taieb, Basma

When Social Networks Express Concerns about Information Privacy: Users' Perception, Attitudes and Trust Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 2018 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress (WMC), Porto, Portugal, 2018, ISBN: ISBN 978-3-030-02568-7.

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Nguyen, Nga; Mhenni, Faïda; Choley, Jean-Yves

AltaRica 3.0 code generation from SysML models Proceedings Article

In: 28th European Safety and Reliability Conference Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World, Tronheim, Norway, 2018, ISBN: 9781351174664.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Mili, Saoussen; Nguyen, Nga; Chelouah, Rachid

Attack modeling and verification for connected system security Proceedings Article

In: 2018 13th Annual Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), Paris, France, 2018, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4877-3.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Mhenni, Fa¨?da; Fa¨?da, Mhenni; Choley, Jean-Yves; Nguyen, Nga

Verification and validation of the consistency between multi-domain system models Proceedings Article

In: IEEE International Systems Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2018, ISBN: 2472-9647.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Alouache, Lylia; Nguyen, Nga; Chelouah, Rachid

Toward a hybrid SDN architecture for V2V communication in IoV environment Proceedings Article

In: 2018 Fifth International Conference on Software Defined Systems (SDS), Barcelona, Spain, 2018, ISBN: 978-1-5386-5901-4.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Navazhylava, Kseniya; Pillet, Jean-Charles; Barros, Marcos; Islam, Gazi

Est-il possible de façonner le bien-être au travail? Miscellaneous

Change the world, 2018.

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Nguyen, Nga; Mili, Saoussen; Chelouah, Rachid

Modélisation et validation des systèmes embarqués communicants Miscellaneous

Embedded SEC, 2018.

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Berkani, Akim; Tran, Sébastien

Le long chemin vers la généralisation des méthodes agiles Miscellaneous

The Conversation, 2018.

Links | BibTeX

Tran, Sébastien

Débat : L'enseignement supérieur privé, un mal nécessaire ? Miscellaneous

The Conversation, 2018.

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502 entries « 8 of 11 »

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