
Health, prevention & disability

Devinci Higher Education offers all its students a personalized welcome and support for health and prevention requests, as well as for managing disability situations.

Health & prevention

All students at Devinci Higher Education have access to a range of services to help them with their day-to-day student life.

Support for students

To support you in your day-to-day life, De Vinci Higher Education has a listening and support unit. All kinds of issues can be addressed: personal problems, depression, isolation, anxiety, dark thoughts, trauma, addictions, family problems, study-related difficulties, etc.

On-site, Devinci Higher Education has an infirmary on the Pôle campus, in room E200, offering the possibility of

  • walk-in access during the infirmary’s opening hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 12:30pm, and Wednesdays from 8am to 4:30pm
  • individual meetings with the health referent, by appointment only.
  • one-to-one sessions with a psychologist, by appointment only.

Individual video interviews are possible after the 1st appointment.

The De Vinci Higher Education schools also benefit from a partnership with Pros-Consulte, a 24/7 platform accessible via a toll-free number, chat or video. 70 qualified psychologists, speaking several languages, are at your service.

Contact Health & prevention :

Elena Niati – health/nursing referent
E-mail : elena.niati@devinci.fr

Room E200 – IGH – 2nd floor
opening hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 12:30pm, and Wednesdays from 8am to 4:30pm or individual appointments

Download the infirmary guide


Several information and prevention initiatives have been launched by the health referent:

  • Annual Health Day with the CPAM (the organisation that manages the healthcare expenses in France)
  • Partnership with NightLine to promote student self-help around mental health issues
  • Addictology awareness campaigns
  • PSC1 training for our student associations

Combating sexual and gender -based violence

Devinci Higher Education is also committed to the fight against sexual and gender-based violence.

A system of prevention, reporting to an external platform and handling of situations has been put in place to enable students to report, be listened to and supported in the event of sexual and gender-based violence, and for the school to be able to sanction proven cases.

Welcoming students with disabilities

De Vinci Higher Education schools are committed to ensuring the inclusion and success of students with disabilities, and to accompanying and supporting them as they pursue their studies and develop their student lives. The “Service Handicap Etudiants” (Office for Students with disability services) is responsible for supporting students with disabilities and managing disability awareness initiatives within the institution.

Since the 2005 french law, disability has been defined as any limitation of activity or restriction of participation in society experienced by a person in his or her environment due to a substantial, lasting or permanent impairment of one or more physical, sensory, mental, cognitive or psychic functions, a multiple handicap or a disabling health disorder.

The “Service Handicap Etudiants” can help you :

  • benefit from study and examination accommodations to compensate for your disability (teaching arrangements, note-taking or student tutoring,  exam secretarial services, extra time, loan of adapted equipment, other services…)
  • create a file based on your needs, not on the type of disability you have
  • receive individualized, personalized support (confidential interviews) throughout the year, taking into account your entire situation (housing, transport, financial conditions, etc.)
  • promote your independence
  • renew your accommodation every year (or during the academic year if necessary)

You can request support from the “Service Handicap Étudiants” before the start of the academic year, or during the current academic year if your situation changes, or if an event occurs that puts you in a situation of disability.

Download the guide

Service Handicap Étudiants

Student Disability Referent
Email : handi@devinci.fr

IIM students are invited to contact the IIM disability correspondents at : handicap.iim@devinci.fr

Our partners

100% Handinamique

Dedicated to the success of young people with disabilities in their educational careers, the 100% Handinamique federation offers a network of student associations and a grant to help support their studies. 100% Handinamique also helps people enter the workforce by organizing events such as the Handicafé ©, and mentoring operations.

The Handinamique label is offered to student associations in the cluster wishing to improve the inclusion of their projects and raise awareness of disability issues.


Ecollectif is a disabled-friendly meeting place in Courbevoie that fosters exchanges between young people and students. Ecollectif offers workspace exchanges: study and co-working rooms, a multimedia and innovation room, and a health space with an art therapy workshop. Joint awareness-raising and communication events are planned for 2023-2024.

Student life

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