
Incoming and outgoing mobility

Devinci Higher Education encourages international openness and has developed numerous partnerships with foreign universities.

Thousands of academic exchanges

Around 100 partner universities in Europe, Asia, the America’s and Australia.

1200+ Mobility Students

The International Relations Department has established a network of around 100 partner universities in Europe, Asia, the Americas and Australia.

The development of these partnerships has resulted in thousands of academic exchanges that have allowed French students to study in partner universities and foreign students to study at The Pole.

This department provides students with academic and administrative assistance as well as guidance in finding accommodation, opening a French bank account, healthcare and much more.

Programmes entirely and partially taught in English

The integration of international students is important to the Pole and facilitating their arrival is a top priority. The Pole works to accommodate international students as much as possible by organizing a welcome week before the start of the school year, offering French language and culture courses, and continually following up with them throughout the year.

For more than 10 years an exchange between visiting professors and their French counterparts have given students the opportunity to be taught by professors from around the world.  The department also facilitates teaching mobility abroad and opportunities for international academic research that greatly benefits the de Vinci faculty.


International Contacts

Degree-seeking students

Whatsapp : +33 7 86 16 74 66

Exchange Students / Welcome Desk

+33 01 81 00 29 75


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