
Aider Donner Agir – ADA

ADA (Aider Donner Agir) is a humanitarian and charitable association.

We carry out specific charity missions in partnership with other associations as well as fundraising to prepare a humanitarian trip. Joining ADA means getting involved in solidarity projects and making yourself useful to those in need. ADA participates in numerous charitable and humanitarian actions in various fields such as disability, illness, precariousness and childhood. The association proposes missions in collaboration with, among others, MAGEV, the Association des Paralysés de France, Les amis de Mattéo, la Mie de Pain, Kiwanis… ADA also sets up unique projects such as humanitarian trips, charity galas as well as awareness days (Aids, Equality between men and women, disability) and clothing and food collections… We are always open to proposals in order to widen our field of action. ADA is above all a big family, full of love and joy, which celebrates, has fun and is always looking for adventures to continue to Help, Give and Act.

Contact :

Email : aider.donner.agir@gmail.com / ada@devinci.fr


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