
The Hero-Leader Matrix in Business and Cinema : Olivier Fournout

The Hero-Leader Matrix in Business and Cinema : Olivier Fournout

Seminars Business Group : The De Vinci Research Center Business Group combines the expertise from research professors in innovation, marketing, human resources, and entrepreneurial strategy. Key areas of research include improving technological learning models, understanding the impact of digital strategies on business ecosystems, and improving B to B customer relationships.

Invited guest:

Olivier Fournout (PhD Paris IV-Celsa) is a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation (I3, a joint research CNRS unit) and an Assistant Professor in the Social and Economics Department of Telecom Paristech.

He is the author of the book “Héros. Action, Innovation, Interaction dans les organisations et au cinema”, Presses des Mines, 2014.

Seminar Topic

His presentation will focus on the Hero-Leader Matrix in business and cinema. It will be based upon his research into how successful managers and cinema heroes operate in their actions and interactions, which shows a structural consistency between the two fields in the long run.

Reference : Olivier Fournout (2017), « The Hero-Leader Matrix in Business and Cinema », Journal of Business Ethics, March 2017, Volume 141(1), Open Access : http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10551-016-3063-4


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