
Energy Efficiency & Socially Responsible Markets

Axe de recherche DVRC

The Research Axis “Energy Efficiency & Socially Responsible Markets” brings together EMLV & ESILV researchers from different academic disciplines (accounting, chemical engineering, energy production/consumption forecasting, corporate, entrepreneurial and market finance, human resources management, management control, marketing and consumer behavior, multi agents modeling, organizational behavior, social lifecycle analysis, strategic management), and professional backgrounds.

Intra-disciplinary areas

Energy Efficiency & Socially Responsible Markets

The Research Axis members collaborate on the following subject areas.

Efficient Energy Management and Sustainable Business Models

Our research contributes to the discovery of efficient methods for harnessing and utilizing energy sources. This involves the development of strategies and processes for the effective management and optimization of energy production, storage, and consumption. Additionally, our research seeks to explore innovative approaches for businesses to operate sustainably within the whole energy sector.

Corporate Social Responsibility, Governance, and Sustainable Innovation

Our research delves into uncovering the factors that drive ethical, responsible, and virtuous behavior within businesses. It also aims to unravel the underlying mechanisms that foster innovation in energy technologies and practices characterized by environmental friendliness and social responsibility.

Socially Responsible Consumption & Citizen Behavior

Our research revolves around the promotion of socially responsible consumption, encouraging individuals and organizations to make environmentally conscious choices regarding energy usage. Furthermore, it addresses the needs and behaviors of vulnerable consumers and citizens, particularly in the context of renewable energy. This includes ensuring equitable access and addressing the concerns of marginalized groups.

Innovative Energy Market Mechanisms, Green Accounting, and Sustainable Performance

Our research is dedicated to developing tailored financing and pricing models and market mechanisms specific to renewable energies. This entails the creation of equitable and effective pricing strategies to support the penetration of renewable energy and energy recovery (Enr&R) technologies in the energy mix. Additionally, our focus extends to quantifying and enhancing the environmental and social impact of companies, along with their reporting practices.

Social Acceptability of Enr&R technologies and Stakeholder Engagement

Our research aims to evaluate and enhance the acceptability and social perception of innovative energy production processes. This encompasses public perception and acceptance of these technologies. Furthermore, our objective is to facilitate the active involvement of diverse stakeholders, including the public, businesses, and government, in discussions and decision-making processes related to innovative energy production processes.

Research Axis “Energy Efficiency & Socially Responsible Markets” conducts periodic transdisciplinary viewpoints & perspectives seminars and paper discussion workshops throughout the academic year. Additionally, it arranges transdisciplinary roundtable sessions that bring together researchers from management and engineering sciences alongside professionals. The upcoming roundtable will delve into the topic of digital agriculture, exploring the delicate balance between responsibility and social acceptability.



442 entries « 8 of 9 »


Proceedings Articles

Véronique Osswald; Amokrane Boufares; Pascal Clain; Elise Provost; Didier Dalmazzone; Anthony Delahaye; Laurence Fournaison

FTIR kinetic study of CO2 hydrates formation in a tank reactor: Influence of stirring rate and impeller type Proceedings Article

In: 10th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Singapore, Singapore, 2020.

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Fatima Benmesbah; Pascal Clain; Livio Ruffine; Véronique Osswald; Laurence Fournaison; Olivia Fandino; Anthony Delahaye

Kinetic and thermodynamic study of gas hydrates in porous media: application to gas hydrate-bearing sediments and cold production and storage Proceedings Article

In: 10th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Singapore, Singapore, 2020.

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Pascal Clain; Amokrane Boufares; Fatima Benmesbah; Véronique Osswald; Anthony Delahaye; Laurence Fournaison; Elise Provost; Didier Dalmazzone

Characterization of additive impact on CO2 hydrate slurry: granulometry and rheology measurements Proceedings Article

In: 10th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Singapore, Singapore, 2020.

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Guillaume Guérard; Hugo Pousseur; Manon Rivoire

Inférence Grammaticale pour la Prévision de la Consommation Energétique Proceedings Article

In: Plateforme d'Intelligence Artificielle, Angers, France, 2020.

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Sonia Djebali; Guillaume Guérard

Prédiction des comportements touristiques par minage des motifs et des règles séquentielles Proceedings Article

In: 21ème édition du congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Montpellier, France, 2020.

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Imane El Ouadghiri; Mathieu Gomes; Jamil Jaballah; Jonathan Peillex

Les marchés financiers souffrent-ils aussi du réchauffement climatique ? Miscellaneous

Harvard Business Review France, 2020.

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Pascale Bueno Merino

Enjeux stratégiques et défis de la recherche en grande école de management Miscellaneous

GrandAngle, 2020.

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Journal Articles

Pascale Bueno Merino; Marc FEUILLOLEY; Samuel Grandval

L'analyse du modèle d'affaires par les normes IAS-IFRS: le rôle de la ligne spécifique du compte de résultat Journal Article

In: Management International, vol. 23, no. Hors série, pp. 97-114, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Gokce Ozdemir; Duygu TURKER

Institutionalization of the sharing in the context of Airbnb: A systematic literature review and content analysis Journal Article

In: Anatolia, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 601-613, 2019.

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Aymen Ajina; Faten Lakhal; Sabrine Ayed

Does Corporate Social Responsibility Reduce Earnings Management? The Moderating Role of Corporate Governance and Ownership Journal Article

In: Management International, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 45-55, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Véronique Osswald; Pascal Clain; Amokrane Boufares; Fatima Benmesbah; Amira Zennoune; Didier Dalmazzone; Anthony Delahaye; Laurence Fournaison

Amélioration de l'écoulement des coulis d'hydrates de CO2 dans les circuits de réfrigération secondaire : Effets d'additif antiagglomérant sur les propriétés rhéologiques Conference

17ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Nantes, France, 2019.

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Lillia Ben Baccar; Sonia Djebali; Guillaume Guérard

Prédiction de Circuit Touristique par Data Mining Séquentielle Conference

Premier Symposium GDR MaDICS, Rennes, France, 2019.

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Book Sections

Sonia Aissaoui; Pascale Bueno Merino; Samuel Grandval

Interpartner Risks in Solidarity Partnerships: A Case of CSA Cooperation without a Contract Book Section

In: Das, T. K. (Ed.): Managing Interpartner Risks in Strategic Alliances, pp. 129-163, Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2019.

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Proceedings Articles

Sofiane Ben Amor; Guillaume Guérard; Loup-Noé Levy

Systemic approach for modeling a generic Smart Grid Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2018, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2019.

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Lillia Ben Baccar; Sonia Djebali; Guillaume Guérard

Tourist's Tour Prediction by Sequential Data Mining Approach Proceedings Article

In: Advanced Data Mining and Applications, 15th International Conference, ADMA 2019, pp. pp. 681-695, Dalian, China, 2019, ISBN: ISBN 978-3-030-35230-1.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Pascal Clain; Amokrane Boufares; Fatima Benmesbah; Amira Zennoune; Véronique Osswald; Hong Minh Hoang; Didier Dalmazzone; Anthony Delahaye; Laurence Fournaison

Improvement of CO2 hydrate slurry transportation in flow loop: Effect of anti-agglomerant additive on rheological properties Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, Montréal, Canada, 2019, ISBN: ISBN : 978-2-362-15035-7.

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Hong Minh Hoang; Thomas Dufour; Jérémy Oignet; Véronique Osswald; Pascal Clain; Laurence Fournaison; Anthony Delahaye

Energy and economic approach for the use of thermal energy storage on district cooling/impact of scenario and materials Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, Montréal, Canada, 2019, ISBN: ISBN : 978-2-362-15035-7.

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Véronique Osswald; Amokrane Boufares; Pascal Clain; Elise Provost; Didier Dalmazzone; Hong Minh Hoang; Laurence Fournaison; Anthony Delahaye

Gas to liquid transfer enhancement during hydrate crystallization: Case study of CO2 hydrate for cold storage and transport Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, Montréal, Canada, 2019, ISBN: ISBN : 978-2-362-15035-7.

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Guillaume Guérard; Hugo Pousseur

JADE modeling for generic microgrids Proceedings Article

In: Agents and Multi-agent Systems: Technologies and Applications 2019, pp. pp 377-386, Saint Julians, Malta, 2019, ISBN: ISBN 978-981-13-8678-7.

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Guillaume Guérard

Le nudge pour une meilleure entreprise Miscellaneous

Journal du Net, 2019.

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Guillaume Guérard; Mathilde Lavelle

Le « nudge » peut-il nous aider à sauver la planète ? Miscellaneous

Les Echos, 2019.

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Guillaume Guérard

Nos ingénieurs ont-ils réussi notre entrée dans la quatrième révolution industrielle Miscellaneous

Monde des Grandes Ecoles, 2019.

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Judith Partouche; Saeedeh Rezaee Vessal

Entreprendre pour survivre au cancer Miscellaneous

The Conversation, 2019.

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Amokrane Boufares; Pascal Clain; Elise Provost; Didier Dalmazzone; Véronique Osswald; Anthony Delahaye; Laurence Fournaison

Etude cinétique de la cristallisation des hydrates de CO2 par FTIR / ATR Miscellaneous

Revue générale du froid & du conditionnement d'air, 2019.

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Imane El Ouadghiri; Jonathan Peillex

Islamist attacks hit US Islamic stocks, a study reveals (Islamic Finance News) Miscellaneous

Islamic Finance News, 2019.

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Pascal Clain

5 Questions aux jeunes chercheurs français Miscellaneous

Association Française du Froid, 2019.

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Pascale Bueno Merino; Samuel Grandval

Le rôle de la ligne spécifique du compte de résultat dans l'analyse du modèle d'affaires par les normes IAS-IFRS Miscellaneous

FNEGE Médias, 2019.

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Sonia Aissaoui; Pascale Bueno Merino

Les antécédents de la confiance dans la coopération amapienne Miscellaneous

FNEGE Médias, 2019.

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Journal Articles

Imane El Ouadghiri; Jonathan Peillex

Public attention to "Islamic terrorism" and stock market returns Journal Article

In: Journal Of Comparative Economics, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 936-946, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Amokrane Boufares; Elise Provost; Didier Dalmazzone; Véronique Osswald; Pascal Clain; Anthony Delahaye; Laurence Fournaison

Kinetic study of CO2 hydrates crystallization: Characterization using FTIR/ATR spectroscopy and contribution modeling of equilibrium/non-equilibrium phase-behavior Journal Article

In: Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 192, pp. 371-379, 2018.

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Ammar Ali Gull; Mehdi Nekhili; Haithem Nagati; Tawhid Chtioui

Beyond gender diversity: How specific attributes of female directors affect earnings management Journal Article

In: British Accounting Review, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 255-274, 2018.

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Fatima Benmesbah; Livio Ruffine; Pascal Clain; Véronique Osswald; Laurence Fournaison; Anthony Delahaye

Experimental study of methane-hydrate formation and dissociation in sand: kinetics and gas storage capacity Conference

AGU Fall meeting 2018, Washington DC, USA, 2018.

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Imane El Ouadghiri

Macroeconomic expectations under heterogeneous beliefs: a dynamic analysis using individual survey data Conference

9th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, Nice, France, 2018.

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Rachidi Kotchoni; Imane El Ouadghiri

A New Approach to Detecting Jumps at High Frequency Conference

Colloque CIREQ d'économétrie : Avancées récentes sur la méthode des moments, Montréal, Canada, 2018.

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Proceedings Articles

Mahdjouba Akerma; Hong Minh Hoang; Denis Leducq; Clément Flinois; Pascal Clain; Anthony Delahaye

Demand response in refrigerated warehouse Proceedings Article

In: 2018 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), Kansas City, USA, 2018, ISBN: ISBN: 978-1-5386-5960-1.

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Amokrane Boufares; Elise Provost; Véronique Osswald; Pascal Clain; Anthony Delahaye; Laurence Fournaison

Experimental Quantification and Modeling of Dissolved Gas during Hydrate Crystallization: CO2 Hydrate Case Proceedings Article

In: 20th International Conference on Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, London, United Kingdom, 2018.

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Thomas Dufour; Hong Minh Hoang; Véronique Osswald; Pascal Clain; Laurence Fournaison

Impact of thermal energy storage on the sizing and energy consumption of a district cooling system Proceedings Article

In: 12th IIR Conference on Phase Change Materials and Slurries for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (PCM 2018), pp. 407, Orford, Canada, 2018, ISBN: ISBN : 9781510868359.

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Guillaume Guérard; Loup-Noé Levy; Hugo Pousseur

Multi-agent Model for Domotics and Smart Houses Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, pp. 223-230, Funcha, Madère, Portugal, 2018, ISBN: ISBN: 978-989-758-292-9.

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Imane El Ouadghiri; Jonathan Peillex

La finance islamique, victime collatérale du terrorisme aux États-Unis Miscellaneous

The Conversation, 2018.

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Thomas Dufour; Laurence Fournaison; Hong Minh Hoang; Véronique Osswald; Pascal Clain; Patrice Serre; Michel Pons; Anthony Delahaye

Stockage thermique et réseau de distribution de froid Miscellaneous

Revue générale du froid & du conditionnement d'air, 2018.

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Guillaume Guérard

La « blockchain » ouvre la voie aux « centrales électriques virtuelles et décentralisées » Miscellaneous

Le Monde, 2018.

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Guillaume Guérard

Données et stockage de l'énergie Miscellaneous

Agoravox, 2018.

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Guillaume Guérard

Des blockchains dans le monde énergétique ? Miscellaneous

Le Monde de l'Energie, 2018.

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Guillaume Guérard

La blockchain séduit le monde de l'énergie Miscellaneous

Journal du Net, 2018.

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Guillaume Guérard

La face cachée des blockchains Miscellaneous

LinkedIn, 2018.

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Pascale Bueno Merino; Marie-Hélène Duchemin

Les enjeux de l'accompagnement entrepreneurial collectif au féminin Miscellaneous

FNEGE Médias, 2018.

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Journal Articles

Yasmine Salehy; Pascal Clain; Amokrane Boufares; Véronique Osswald; Anthony Delahaye; Laurence Fournaison

Rheological study on CO2 hydrate slurries for secondary refrigeration Journal Article

In: Energetika, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 105-112, 2017.

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Thomas Dufour; Hong Minh Hoang; Jérémy Oignet; Véronique Osswald; Pascal Clain; Laurence Fournaison; Anthony Delahaye

Impact of pressure on the dynamic behavior of CO2 hydrate slurry in a stirred tank reactor applied to cold thermal energy storage Journal Article

In: Applied Energy, vol. 204, pp. 641-652, 2017.

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Sonia Aissaoui; Pascale Bueno Merino; Samuel Grandval

Les antécédents de la confiance dans la coopération amapienne Journal Article

In: Revue Internationale PME, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 121-154, 2017.

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Jérémy Oignet; Anthony Delahaye; Jean-Philippe Torré; Christophe Dicharry; Hong Minh Hoang; Pascal Clain; Véronique Osswald; Ziad Youssef; Laurence Fournaison

Rheological study of CO2 hydrate slurry in the presence of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate in a secondary refrigeration loop Journal Article

In: Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 158, pp. p294-p303, 2017.

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442 entries « 8 of 9 »

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