

Brice Parilusyan and Marc Teyssier and Valentin Martinez-Missir and Clément Duhart and Marcos Serrano

NMSIEI (2022) : Sensurfaces: A Novel Approach for Embedded Touch Sensing on Everyday Surfaces

Sensurfaces: A Novel Approach for Embedded Touch Sensing on Everyday Surfaces

Brice Parilusyan and Marc Teyssier and Valentin Martinez-Missir and Clément Duhart and Marcos Serrano


Proceedings of the ACM on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous technologies

Ubiquitous touch sensing surfaces are largely influenced by touchscreens' look and feel and fail to express the physical richness of existing surrounding materials. We introduce Sensurfaces, a plug-and-play electronic module that allows to rapidly experiment with touch-sensitive surfaces while preserving the original appearance of materials. Sensurfaces is composed of plug-and-play modules that can be connected together to expand the size and number of materials composing a sensitive surface. The combination of Sensurfaces modules allows the creation of small or large multi-material sensitive surfaces that can detect multi-touch but also body proximity, pose, pass, or even human steps. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of Sensurfaces. We propose a design space describing the factors of Sensurfaces interfaces. Then, through a series of technical evaluations, we demonstrate the capabilities of our system. Finally, we report on two workshops validating the usability of our system.

To cite this publication :

Brice Parilusyan, Marc Teyssier, Valentin Martinez-Missir, Clément Duhart, Marcos Serrano: Sensurfaces: A Novel Approach for Embedded Touch Sensing on Everyday Surfaces. Dans: Proceedings of the ACM on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous technologies, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 67, 2022.


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