
Flore Vallet

De Vinci Research Center

Flore Vallet

Flore Vallet joined ESILV Engineering School in 2023 as a teacher-researcher at the Engineering sciences department and De Vinci Research Center. Between 2026 and 2023, she was a researcher at the Institut de Recherche Technologique SystemX, and associate researcher at the Laboratoire Genie Industriel at CentraleSupélec. In 2022-23, she was the chair holder of the Anthropolis chair (http://chaire-anthropolis.fr/) dedicated to human centered urban mobility. Previously, she was lecturer (Professeur Agrégé) of mechanical design at the Université de Technologie de Compiègne - UTC. She obtained her PhD in Eco-Design and Mechanical Engineering from UTC in 2012. She is also member of the Design Society and of the French network EcoSD (Eco-design of Sustainable Systems). Her research interests currently include eco-design, eco-innovation, engineering design, human centered design, sustainable urban mobility, smart urban systems.



Articles de journaux

Julien Baltazar; Ghada Bouillass; Flore Vallet; Jakob Puchinger; Nicolas Perry

Integrating environmental issues into the design of mobility plans: insights from French practices Article de journal

Dans: Transport Policy, vol. 155, p. 1-14, 2024.

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Tjark Gall; Sebastian Hörl; Flore Vallet; Bernard Yannou

Integrating future trends and uncertainties in urban mobility design via data-driven personas and scenarios Article de journal

Dans: European Transport Research Review, vol. 15, no. 45, 2023.

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Yiming Ma; Flore Vallet; Bernard Yannou; François Cluzel

Tools to help teachers and designers complete individual tasks when co-designing industrial engineering games - Application to the design of an innovation management game Article de journal

Dans: European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 48, no. 6, p. 1229-1248, 2023.

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Tjark Gall; Flore Vallet; Laura Mariana Reyes Madrigal; Sebastian Hörl; Adam Abdin; Tarek Chouaki; Jakob Puchinger

Sustainable Urban Mobility Futures Ouvrage

Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, ISBN: 978-3-031-45794-4.

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Proceedings Articles

Julien Baltazar; Flore Vallet; Nicolas Perry; Jakob Puchinger

A quantitative strategic environmental assessment model to support the mobility planning process of local authorities Proceedings Article

Dans: 32nd CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE 2025), Manchester, UK, 2024.

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Flore Vallet; Tjark Gall

Using the low-tech concept to create scenarios: an analysis of its potential to design for sustainable urban future Proceedings Article

Dans: Press, Cambridge University (Ed.): Proceedings of the Design Society, Volume 4: DESIGN 2024, p. 1487 - 1496, Cambridge, UK, 2024.

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Flore Vallet; Benjamin Tyl; François Cluzel; Cédric Masclet

A transition approach for reuse and repair of manufactured products Proceedings Article

Dans: Press, Cambridge University (Ed.): Proceedings of the Design Society, Volume 4: DESIGN 2024, p. 1477 - 1486, Cambridge, UK, 2024.

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