

Hicheme Chaalal and Nicolas Travers and Hafida Belbachir

SDTDRSC (2019) : T-plotter: A new data structure to reconcile OLAP and OLTP models

T-plotter: A new data structure to reconcile OLAP and OLTP models

Hicheme Chaalal and Nicolas Travers and Hafida Belbachir


Multiagent and Grid Systems

Classical databases represent the traditional RDBMS's and the most widely used RDBMS in the world of databases and information systems; they have been regarded as the best systems for managing data. Today with the growth of the applications and data consumers, and its openness to the general public, tradi- tional Databases are not able to meet the needs of a large number of applications, including OLAP data processing and Business Intelligence analysis; As a result, many variants of DBMS have emerged like: Column Store, In Memory and NOSQL Databases, that meet users' expectations well, and which are better adapted to cur- rent needs. As a result, the scope of classical databases has become increasingly restricted to handle OLTP models and other few models. To deal with this prob- lem, vertical fragmentation is the best way to effectively handle the OLAP model, but this technique fails to handle some analytical queries with low selectivity, pre- senting poor results in some cases. In this perspective, we propose a new vertical fragmentation design T-Plotter which makes it possible to deal effectively with the whole of analytical queries and improve the performance of RDBMSs to process the OLAP data models.

To cite this publication :

Hicheme Chaalal, Nicolas Travers, Hafida Belbachir: T-plotter: A new data structure to reconcile OLAP and OLTP models. Dans: Multiagent and Grid Systems, vol. 15, no. 3, p. 237-257, 2019.


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