
Swaminath Venkateswaran

De Vinci Research Center

Swaminath Venkateswaran

Swaminath Venkateswaran obtained his Doctorate of Philosophy with honours in Mechanical Engineering from Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France in 2020. His PhD research was focused on the design of an inspection robot for industrial pipelines. During his PhD, he also worked as a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France. From September 2020 till early 2022, he worked as a Teaching & Research Associate (ATER) and as a research member at Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble-INP), France. His research areas/expertise include Product design & analysis, Kinematics of mechanisms, Control of robots, Cobots for circular economy, Industry 4.0. Currently, Swaminath works as an Associate Professor (Enseignant-Chercheur) at the Leonard da Vinci engineering school (ESILV), Paris. His teaching activities are centred around the domain of Mechatronics and Industrial engineering for the Bachelors's & Master's levels. His research activities are affiliated with the group "Modeling" of the Da Vinci Research Center (DVRC).



Articles de journaux

Swaminath Venkateswaran; Damien Charles Chablat

Mapping the Tilt & Torsion angles for a 3-SPS-U parallel mechanism Article de journal

Dans: Robotics, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 50, 2023.

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Swaminath Venkateswaran; Damien Charles Chablat

Stability analysis of tensegrity mechanism coupled with a bio-inspired piping inspection robot Article de journal

Dans: Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering, vol. 25, no. 1, p. 300-302, 2022.

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Swaminath Venkateswaran; Damien Charles Chablat; Pol Hamon

An optimal design of a flexible piping inspection robot Article de journal

Dans: Journal Of Mechanisms And Robotics-Transactions Of The Asme, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 035002, 2021.

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Damien Charles Chablat; Guillaume Michel; Philippe Bordure; Swaminath Venkateswaran; Ranjhan Jha

Workspace analysis in the design parameter space of a 2-dof spherical parallel mechanism for a prescribed workspace: Application to the otologic surgery Article de journal

Dans: Mechanism And Machine Theory, vol. 157, no. 3, p. 104224, 2021.

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Damien Charles Chablat; Erika Ottaviano; Swaminath Venkateswaran

Self-motion conditions for a 3-PPPS parallel robot with delta-shaped base Article de journal

Dans: Mechanism And Machine Theory, vol. 135, no. 5, p. 109-114, 2019.

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Swaminath Venkateswaran; Damien Charles Chablat; Frédéric Boyer

Numerical and Experimental Validation of the Prototype of a Bio-Inspired Piping Inspection Robot Article de journal

Dans: Robotics, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 32, 2019.

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Damien Charles Chablat; Swaminath Venkateswaran; Frédéric Boyer

Mechanical Design Optimization of a Piping Inspection Robot Article de journal

Dans: Procedia CIRP, vol. 70, no. 5, p. 307-312, 2018.

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Rebecca ALLPORT; Nicolas Lebon; Swaminath Venkateswaran; Floriane Laverne

Benefits of intraoral cobotic scanning in the dental CAD/CAM chain Conférence

2ème Journée de Recherche en Odontologie, Université Paris Cité Montrouge, France, 2024.

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Swaminath Venkateswaran

Un robot bio-inspiré pour l'inspection des canalisations Conférence

Biomim'expo 2022, Paris, France, 2022.

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Swaminath Venkateswaran; Damien Charles Chablat; Ramakrishnan Ramachandran

Prototyping a piping inspection robot using a beaglebone black board Conférence

24ème congrès français de mécanique, Brest, France, 2019.

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Book Sections

Damien Charles Chablat; Guillaume Michel; Philippe Bordure; Ranjan Jha; Swaminath Venkateswaran

Joint Space and Workspace Analysis of a 2-DOF Spherical Parallel Mechanism Book Section

Dans: Doina Pisla, Burkhard Corves; Vaida, Calin (Ed.): New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science, vol. 89, p. 181-188, Springer, Cham, Mechanisms & Machine Science, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-55061-5.

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Swaminath Venkateswaran; Damien Charles Chablat

Singularity and Workspace Analysis of 3-SPS-U and 4-SPS-U Tensegrity Mechanisms Book Section

Dans: Lenar?i?, Jadran; Siciliano, Bruno (Ed.): Advances in Robot Kinematics 2020, vol. 15, p. 226-233, Springer, Cham, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-50975-0.

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Swaminath Venkateswaran; Damien Charles Chablat

A new inspection robot for pipelines with bends and junctions Book Section

Dans: Uhl, Tadeusz (Ed.): Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science. IFToMM WC 2019, vol. 73, p. 33-42, Springer, Cham, Mechanisms and Machine Science, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-20131-9.

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Damien Charles Chablat; Swaminath Venkateswaran

Self-Motion of the 3-PPPS Parallel Robot with Delta-Shaped Base Book Section

Dans: Burkhard Corves, Philippe Wenger; Hüsing, Mathias (Ed.): European Conference on Mechanism Science EuCoMeS 2018, vol. 59, p. 317-324, Springer, Mechanisms and Machine Science, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-319-98020-1.

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Damien Charles Chablat; Swaminath Venkateswaran; Frédéric Boyer

Dynamic Model of a Bio-Inspired Robot for Piping Inspection Book Section

Dans: Arakelian, Vigen; Wenger, Philippe (Ed.): ROMANSY 22 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control, vol. 584, p. 42-51, Springer, CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-319-78963-7.

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Proceedings Articles

Swaminath Venkateswaran; Damien Charles Chablat; Denis Creusot

Design and analysis of a series-parallel hybrid 3-SPS-U mechanism Proceedings Article

Dans: Proceedings of the ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Boston, United States, 2023.

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Perla Nohra; Helmi Ben Rejeb; Swaminath Venkateswaran

Impact of automation during innovative remanufacturing processes in circular economy Proceedings Article

Dans: 2022 IEEE 28th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) & 31st International Association For Management of Technology (IAMOT) Joint Conference, IEEE, Nancy, France, 2023, ISBN: 978-1-6654-8817-4.

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Swaminath Venkateswaran; Damien Charles Chablat

Stability analysis of tensegrity mechanism coupled with a bio- inspired piping inspection robot Proceedings Article

Dans: 47th Congress of the society of Biomechanics, Monastir, Tunisia, Monastir, Tunisia, 2022, ISBN: 1025-5842.

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Swaminath Venkateswaran; Damien Charles Chablat

Trajectory Planning for a 3-SPS-U Tensegrity Mechanism Proceedings Article

Dans: ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Virtual, Online, 2021, ISBN: 978-0-7918-8545-1.

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Swaminath Venkateswaran; Damien Charles Chablat; Pol Hamon

Design of a Piping Inspection Robot by Optimization Approach Proceedings Article

Dans: ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Virtual, Online, 2020, ISBN: 978-0-7918-8399-0.

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Swaminath Venkateswaran; Damien Charles Chablat; Philippe Wenger

Design and Analysis of a Tensegrity Mechanism for a Bio-Inspired Robot Proceedings Article

Dans: ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, ASME, Anaheim, California, 2019, ISBN: 978-0-7918-5923-0.

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Swaminath Venkateswaran

Les solutions de simulation: des machines interactives performantes Divers

Planète Robots, 2024.

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Swaminath Venkateswaran

La robotique: Quel coût environnemental? Divers

What's up doc?, 2023.

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Swaminath Venkateswaran

Conception d'un robot bio-inspiré pour l'inspection des canalisations Thèse

Ecole Centrale de Nantes, 2020.

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