

Monica Fait and Paola Scorrano and Giovanni Mastroleo and Valentina Cillo and Veronica Scuotto

NMSIEI (2019) : A novel view on knowledge sharing in the agri-food sector

A novel view on knowledge sharing in the agri-food sector

Monica Fait and Paola Scorrano and Giovanni Mastroleo and Valentina Cillo and Veronica Scuotto


Journal Of Knowledge Management

Nowadays, the agri-food sector is facing several challenges due to a rapid technological change which calls for knowledge sharing (KS) practices to enhance businesses' performance. This has spurred a collaborative approach and the creation of networks. Since there still is a paucity of research on the quality degree of KS, the purpose of this study is to offer an empirical research on the quality degree of KS by exploring outcome expectations and social exchange dimensions. Theoretically, it is examined by a double lens of social capital and social cognitive theory.

To cite this publication :

Monica Fait, Paola Scorrano, Giovanni Mastroleo, Valentina Cillo, Veronica Scuotto: A novel view on knowledge sharing in the agri-food sector. Dans: Journal Of Knowledge Management, vol. 23, no. 5, p. 953-974, 2019.


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